Exercise During Periods — Benefits and Tips

Evolve Essential
3 min readMay 17, 2021


Exercise has both Physical and Mental benefits. There are several Myths that surface on this topic and every woman has heard about them at least once. Some women suffer from bloating, upset stomach, headaches, fatigue, and ranging mood swings. It is a powerful tool to stay positive and get energized in many ways. Exercising in general is the perfect thing to inculcate in the everyday routine. Whether on the period or not, it incorporates a lot of oxygen, better sleep, quick blood flow in the body, and reduces hot flashes.

Potential Benefits of Exercising While on the Period:

Physical Activity

Boost energy levels instead of lowering them during a period. Regular physical activeness during the day reduces menstrual pain. Exercising during and before a period may reduce symptoms and abdominal pains. Physical activity does not have to be vigorous or for an extended time, regular chores around the house, watering the plants, or even reading can be included as a part of your day.

Mild Walk

Even a 15-minute walk during the day can offer benefits. Also, exercise is a healthful choice in general. It loosens tight hips, improves mobility, and helps a person maintain their weight by keeping the heart and lungs healthy. Mild walks are instantly effective in improving mood swings, anger, mind fogs, and much more. It is a beneficial choice whether on a period or it.

Weight Lifting Lifts Mood

Exercise can help to reduce feelings of anxiety. So, exercising may help to lift the mood when a person has feelings of sadness, irritability, or anger during their period. Lifting weights significantly increase energy, boost metabolism, improve muscle health and immunity. Hormonal changes in the body can increase sensations of fatigue in people during their period. So, any kind of resistance or strength training uplifts mood and even reduces cramps.

Tips for Exercising on your Period:

The following are some of the potential benefits for a person when it comes to exercising on the period:

Get Dressed

Exercise shall be the last thing on your mind, during periods. A simple hack to get started is to dress up and gradually it becomes a motivation to actually carry on the workout for the next hour. So, some comfy joggers, a hoodie, and a high-up ponytail will get you ready for the workout. Get yourselves moving, and get it done!

Gentle Stretching Exercises

All you need is a yoga mat, lungs in the air, and a calm mind to perform them anywhere. Joining a Yoga and Pilates class is helpful as it extends muscles that may feel especially tense. Some people may also find swimming helpful as it reduces painful period effects by helping them feel weightless in the water.

Include Iron-rich Foods

During that time of the month, when you are losing blood, it is important to inculcate iron-rich sources in the food, such as Spinach and Beetroot into your bowl of salad, kidney beans, and some snacks like raisins. It helps in increasing the flow of hemoglobin in the body and fights back possible infections. It not only promotes blood flow but also relieves loss of energy and fatigue.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can increase the likelihood a person will experience unpleasant side effects, including bloating and constipation during their period. Staying hydrated can keep stool moving through the bowel and reduce discomfort during an exercise session. Keeping water on hand and taking drinks at least every 15 minutes during an exercise session helps. However, it is important that a person is prepared by wearing a menstrual pad designed for stronger menstrual flow. Such as the Evolve Essential Sanitary Napkin that is for both ecological and sustainable purposes. You can simply shop them at www.evolveessential.com


The Star of the show always remains meditation. The one best tool to calm down your senses and maintain a healthy mindset, with at least a 10 mins meditation can relieve a happier and an active self. The effects of meditation are not only seen for one day, but have prolonged effects in decision making, staying motivated, and perform mentally well, especially on those dull days.



Evolve Essential
Evolve Essential

Written by Evolve Essential


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